Happy New Year, lovers and friends!
All I can say is 2012 was interesting and I can’t wait to see what 2013 has in store. I started Serum No. 5 at a point where I was between jobs and just stressing over how I was going to get things done and especially how to get things paid. So after the advice of my bf, I created Serum No. 5, taking a hobby and transforming it into a budding business. Plus, with Serum, I can give back a little to those in need, which is why I make a charitable donation every month. I mean, if I’m doing something I enjoy, shouldn’t I try to give a chance to someone else?
I’m happy to say that I am no longer between jobs, but in a career, and in the few months that Serum has been open, it has been successful enough that I can keep this fulfilling venture going. I seriously could not have done it without you. Sure I may be exhausted and tired sometimes, doing lawyerly duties and mixing polishes whenever I can, but I’m thankful to able to say that I have a career and business that I love and can help others while doing it too. Not many people can say that.
I’ve got some big things coming this year, so watch out.
So with the new year comes a new look. Hope you enjoy <3