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Tag Archives: opi

Catching Up on Nail Art April: Blue Skies, Springtime, Little Critter and Earth Day

I so fail at nail art challenges, I just forget or push it aside thinking “I’ll do it later” and then never do. So I’m catching up to combine my missed prompts into one mani. I’ve done this a few times and I actually like thinking of how I can create a cohesive design and […]

31 Day Challenge: Inspired by Artwork

One of my favorite genres of art is Post-Impressionism. I love the whispy dreaminess of Monet, Van Gogh, Degas and Tolous-Lautrec. So for this challenge, I chose one of my favorite paintings (and I’m sure one of yours too), Van Gogh’s Starry Night. Colors used: Lacquer Lust Blue in the Face, Essie The Perfect Cover […]

31 Day Challenge: Inspired by Fashion

For today’s fashion prompt, I took a look at NYFW 2014’s runways. To me, I think it’s pretty easy to get inspired by runway trends. The colors, the structure, the composition… they all play so well together to give you that great floral or textured print or amazing color combination. For this mani, I was […]

31 Day Challenge: Inspired by a Movie

For the movie inspiration, I went with the latest movie adaptation of F. Scott Fitgerald’s The Great Gatsby. That book/movie is all about the glitz, glamour and disillusionment of the 1920s. And of course, all I can think of is how great art deco looks in black and gold. Colors used: Essie Licorice and OPI Love. […]

31 Day Challenge: Delicate

It’s day 15 and I’m halfway there! For today’s delicate prompt, I wanted to use Indi-Glo because it’s all reformulated and I hopefully (knock on wood) never have to go through that whole ordeal ever again! So what’s blue and delicate? Porcelain! Colors used: Serum No. 5 Indi-Glo, Essie Blanc and OPI Keeping Suzi at […]

31 Day Challenge: Animal Print

It’s animal day and I decided to go with snakes! For this prompt, I decided to recreate a previous mani that I did and absolutely loved: a neutral purple-toned snakeskin. I did have to sacrifice the nails though, my stamp plate that I had in mind was too small for my current length. Can we […]

31 Day Challenge: Polka Dots

When I decided to put myself through try the 31 day nail art challenge, I asked my friends to let me know if they come across any cool nail art designs. Luckily, my friend tagged me in Hello_Lolo‘s picture on Instagram. Here’s my recreation of this mani. Colors used: OPI My Vampire is Buff, Lacquer […]

31 Day Challenge: Violet

It’s violet nails for the 31 Day Nail Art Challenge! For some reason, I had no idea what I wanted to do and I actually don’t own a whole lot of purples, so I better start stocking up! Colors used: Orly Purple Poodle, Essie Blanc, Essie Licorice and OPI Houston, We Have a Purple. To […]

31 Day Challenge: Blue

It’s blue for the 31 Day Nail Art Challenge and I am going to try some turquoise gemstone nails! Another surprise, I’ve never tried splatter nails either. So perfect way to get turquoise nails is with some splatters! Colors used: Essie In the Cab-ana, Orly Luxe and OPI Black Onyx. To do these, I started […]

31 Day Challenge: Green

[I recently updated my website and unfortunately the original post has been deleted, so I’ll try to remember the colors used as best as I can] For today’s green prompt, I decided to challenge myself a bit. I’ve actually never painted straight lines before. I know shameful, if you’re doing nail art, lines are probably […]